Design and functionality

A little about our vision of the issue as self-promotion 😉

Design and functionality are modern derivatives of such fundamental philosophical concepts as form and content. A harmonious and effective visual and communication environment evokes a desire for interaction, promotes the formation of an appropriate mood and the acquisition of positive experience. Useful functionality saves time and effort.

We pay great attention to innovation in the IT field. It is important not only to be aware of everything new, but also to be able to understand and even predict which technologies are really promising, and where you need to be in the forefront, studying and implementing them, and what are just beautiful dummies, marketing and advertising gimmicks.

Maximum approximation of the result to the desires and goals of the customer.

Accuracy here is achieved by a combination of careful study of the task at hand and the correct selection of tools to solve it.

Tasks rarely remain static in an ever-changing dynamic world, which means solutions must be flexible and able to track changes in the situation. The potential need for future transformations should be built into the design from the beginning.

Thomas Edison said: “I was not mistaken. I just found 10,000 ways that don’t work.”

Yes, mistakes define experience! But many of them are already in the past, and you will only get our skills. This does not mean that we are immune from mistakes, but it does mean that we have learned to deal with them effectively. Years of painstaking work, searches, long-term and thorough testing of solutions formed the basis of our knowledge.

We take the time to study the problem and delve deeply into the topic. A correct understanding of the goals helps to make the right choice of tools, more accurately determine the deadlines and, which is very important, both for us and for the customer, to correctly estimate the cost of work on creating a website or developing software modules.

Our basic rules that guide us when developing websites and other software products:

  • Perfection in simplicity. Minimalism in design promotes functionality.
  • Color combinations and color psychology. Color depends on and affects functionality.
  • Before using proven and familiar technologies, study what innovation trends have emerged in this area.
  • Design should serve convenience and efficiency, but above all, the intended purpose.